atschool(attend school)

atschool(attend school)

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很多爸爸妈妈对oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)里面的无字书,都感觉无从下手,不知道怎么跟孩子进行亲子阅读。现在分享一篇教学文章,慢慢跟大家一一分析我们该从哪些方面跟孩子一起阅读oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)里的无字书。

oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School,一共8页正文,加封面,一共有9个画面可以跟孩子一起欣赏。我们一幅幅来看:

1. oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School的封面:

a. 首先看标题read the title,接着读作者名。Look at the title, \”At School\”. So this is a story about school life.

b. 找主人公:Who\’s this? It\’s Kipper! Where is Kipper? He\’s in the classroom. What is he doing? He\’s playing in the fish tank. He is holding a rubber duck. Is Kipper happy? Yes, he\’s happy.

c. 找其他细节:What else can you see in the fish tank? I can see a boat, a ball and a fish. What can you see on the wall? I can see one, two, three, four, five and six pictures on the wall.

atschool(attend school)

2.oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School的正文第一页:

a. 先把目光引到那个post上。这是介绍故事地点的:Look at the post, the post says \”Nursery School\”. Oh, Mum is taking Kipper to school. This is Kipper\’s first day of school. Kipper is nervous. He doesn\’t want to go to school. He doesn\’t want to go into the classroom. He is holding onto the gate post. Were you nervous on your first day of school?


b. 目光转到老师:What\’s this? This is a Teddy bear. The teacher is taking a teddy bear. She is inviting Kipper in.

c. 目光转到教室里的孩子们:Look at the four boys in the classroom. They are welcoming Kipper.

atschool(attend school)

3.oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School的正文第二、三页:

a. 先看主人公:Where is Kipper? Kipper is here. Kipper is shy. He is hiding in the cloakroom.

b. 再看其他人:What\’s this? It\’s a toy car. The girl is taking a toy car. \”Come on,\” she says. What\’s this? It\’s a toy dog. The teacher is taking a toy dog. \”Come on,\” she says. Look at the boy. He is smiling. He is so friendly. Come on, Kipper. Come out to play with your new friends and your teacher.

c. 画面看完,关注下画面物品的名字:KK Kipper; KK car; KK coat. 边看边指对应物品,这是复习phonics的规则。

4.oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School的正文第四、五页:

a. 先看主人公:Where is Kipper? Kipper is here. The teacher is inviting Kipper to the home corner. Is Kipper happy? Yes, Kipper is happy.

b. 再看其他人:What\’s is happening here? Everyone looks busy. Look at the girl. She is cooking sweets with the saucepan. She works so hard that she is sweating all over. Look at the boy. He is ironing the cloth. This girl is vacumning the floor.

这里最好辛苦点,做个点读,把各种声音做成点读,给孩子讲到这里的时候,就点一下对应画面,让孩子听听声音。The two boys are waiting for their dinner. Their dinner haven\’t been served yet. They are angry.

c. 其他细节,就留给大家跟孩子一起去找。

d. 找画面中的字母:Where is letter K? K is here. K sounds kk. kk Kipper. Where is letter b. B is here. B sounds bb. bb ball; bb boy; bb boat; bb block; bb bug。

atschool(attend school)

5.oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School的正文第六、七页:

a. 看主人公:Where is Kipper? Kipper is here. He is cooking blocks with the saucepan. Look at his big smile. Kipper is playing happily now.

b. 再看其他人:What is happening here. Everyone is busy. This boy and this girl are playing with blocks. This boy and this girl are playing in the fish tank.What can you see in the fish tank. I can see a boat, a ball, a rubber duck, one fish, two fish! A boy is in the treehouse. Look at this poor girl. She is hit by a block. Kipper, you have to say sorry to the girl!


c. 找画面中的字母。

atschool(attend school)

6.oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School的正文第八页:

a. 看主人公:Where is Kipper? Here is Kipper. It\’s time to go home. Mum is taking Kipper home. Kipper doesn\’t want to go home now. He is holding onto the gate post again!

b. 再看其他人:Look at the teacher. She is waving goodbye to Kipper and Mum. The girl in the classroom is waving Kipper goodbye too. Kipper, you have to say goodbye to your teacher and friends.

atschool(attend school)

好了,oxford reading tree(牛津阅读树)的At School就讲完了。讲完之后,你可以跟孩子再把故事快速翻一遍,看看Kipper的情绪变化。然后跟孩子再次讨论他第一天上学的情景,中英文均可。




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